Here’s a round up of what’s come across my desk recently but
still haven’t had a chance to write full reviews about yet:
Kriesberg & Nelson Veras lay down some fluid jazz conversations
between acoustic and electric guitar on Kreisberg Meets Veras. Pristine R&B/Soul vocal styling
and unfettered creativity run rampant on chameleonic future-soul explorations
with Soil by Serpentwithfeet. The Georgetown Orbits’ Solar Flares is a
hearty mix of mostly instrumental ska with dynamic vocal additions. Do you like
Neko Case or Camp Cope? Then you’ll love Magic Gone by Petal. Its punchy, upbeat
numbers and introspective acoustic work go together like bread and butter. But
then again maybe you’re more into Jessica Lea Mayfield, or what about Angel
Olsen? Then rock out to moody, driving, shoegaze-inspired meditations on loss
with Lauren Lakis’ Ferocious. The Suffers give us a generous dose of retro-styled
R&B with modern ideals and some amazing vocal work. Cage The Elephant fans
can rock out to Scout by Calpurnia and its teenage rock tipping hat to classic
sounds with youthful enthusiasm.